Historically, seeing a mental health practitioner meant something was wrong. Fortunately, this myth continues to be challenged. There is no right or wrong reason to see a therapist. Whether you are suffering from negative symptoms like anxiety or fear, address your past or work on your communication skills; psychotherapy is flexible, affordable and convenient.
Your session time is reserved exclusively for you. A one-time, complementary consultation (20 minutes) is available to new clients. We accept e-transfer and most credit cards.
It looks like you’re curious. Your therapist is curious too. An initial session is used to gather information and support goal setting. There is nothing you need to do, or prepare for the session. Your therapist will ask you questions about what brings you to therapy, symptoms and challenges you are experiencing and what your hopes are for the future. Understanding your relationship patterns and childhood experiences can further help your therapist support you. It is typical for a therapist to ask you about your sleep, eating, stress and alcohol/drug use. If your therapist does not ask you something that you feel is important to you, be sure to share it.
There is no magic number of sessions associated with change. However, the good news is, you can start feeling better as a result of your efforts. Know that as your therapist, Elaine is committed to helping you feel better. Setting goals and regularly evaluating progress provide us with information about what is working and isn’t working. Therapy is a collaborative process. Your therapist wants to know what is helping and what is not. Your path to wellness is highly personal, and your results will be unique to you.
We know you’re busy. Booking sessions and session reminders can be adjusted to suit your preferences using our online booking system Jane. Your therapist is available to answer questions related to scheduling via email or phone. Please note that clinical recommendations cannot be provided by our Administrative Team. Your safety is extremely important. As such, we ask that you do not send confidential information to us via email. If you prefer to contact us by phone, please feel free to call and leave a message. Your call will be returned within one business day.
Many clients have questions about psychotherapy coverage. Insurance companies and coverage can vary greatly. Some companies cover social workers, psychological services and/or psychiatry, while not psychotherapy. As such, we encourage you to contact your provider to confirm your coverage details in advance of your first session.
Video sessions occur over Jane, which is a secure video platform that is free to clients. Once you create your Jane profile you will be able to login from your computer, phone or tablet for your scheduled appointment. Video sessions are best when you are located in a quiet, private location, and away from distraction. Your therapist takes additional steps to promote privacy. This includes the use of headphones and a sound screen. Autos reminders settings can be adjusted within Jane to ensure you don’t miss any session time.
When you schedule your session on Jane, there is an option to request a phone session. Your therapist will contact you at the time of your appointment. Please note that this call may show as a blocked number on your phone. While convenient when you're not at home, phone sessions cannot occur when you are driving. The use of headphones is strongly encouraged to support your privacy.
Know that what you share in therapy, stays in therapy. Creating a safe space to explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours takes bravery. Trust that your therapist will maintain strict professional boundaries. Meaning they do not share information that is specific to you with anyone other than yourself, without your explicit consent.
As a regulated medical health professional in Canada, Psychotherapists are legally bound to the same limits of confidentiality that other mental providers must adhere to. Limits to confidentiality can include things such as; there is a risk of imminent danger to an identifiable third party or to self; there is suspicion of child abuse or neglect or a disclosure is ordered by a court. Your therapist will review confidentiality and address any other questions you have around this topic during your first session.